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Grace Layne Photography - 3 Reasons Why Those First 14 Days are Crucial

When I get an inquiry for a newborn session (or any session) I love getting on the phone with the potential client and chatting about all of the details with newborn sessions! Unless you have already had a child and went through the experience, you more than likely have no idea what planning, prepping, and time goes into this session! Many times, when I am on the phone and I come to the part about wanting to get the baby in within the first 14 days, the parents are shocked! Why so early?! Well, there really is a method to my madness!

  1. First, babies change SO much SO fast!

This is why it is crucial to get those first photos as early on in their lives as possible! Those tiny features and super brand-new traits go away in the blink of an eye! You are going to want to remember EVERY detail, especially when that same baby is turning one, ten, or even eighteen! You will love looking back on these photos and seeing exactly how they were when you first met them. ❤

In my experience, even the short time that goes by in between the session and when clients come back to view their images, that teeny tiny babe has already changed so much! This will typically initiate tears in mamas because the parents then see how fast time truly is flying by.

2. Second, brand new babies sleep DEEPLY

It may seem crazy when I say it, but when it comes to newborn photography days really can make all the difference! I have had babies at all ages come in for newborn sessions, and I can say that I get the most consistent sleepy vibes from babies that are 14 days old or less. There is just something about that 2-week mark that gives those babies more awake and alert time, and much less milk drunk, deep sleep time.

When a baby comes in at, say, 11 days old they are *most likely* going to fall asleep and stay asleep as long as they are fed, warm, and clean. Since I keep the studio at 85 degrees for newborn sessions, have the parents feed the baby right before the session, and have a clean diaper on (or nakey), my tiny clients are living their best lives! Most of the time as long as each of these are followed and the baby is less than 2 weeks old, we are golden, and the baby may not wake up even once the whole session!

3. Third, those curly poses though!

Everyone LOVES the curly, squishy, baby poses that reminds you just how tiny and new they are! It is so fascinating to see how easily new babies go right into these poses because they are so used to it! Being brand new and less than 14 days old, they are much happier and super comfy to go right into the poses that show how they were in moms' belly, just days before.

After a certain time, which varies with each baby, they are not going to want to be curly. They will be strong enough to kick out of any wrap and won't want anyone to mess with them while they sleep. So, in order to capture those brand-new baby squishes, we need a brand-new baby!

4. Bonus, not all babies fit the mold.

I wanted to add in an area that just comforts a mama that can't get her brand-new baby in for a session. For whatever reason, maybe a NICU stay, or maybe they didn't get the session booked in time. I just wanted to tell you that I don't turn babies away! I have had the sleepiest 4.5 week old and I have had a 10 day old that was awake for the entire session. Each baby is different. If we can only get you in when your little one is 5 weeks old, we will do that! It may take more wrapped poses and less naked poses, but you will have a beautiful session regardless. AND you will love those photos no matter what, because they are of your precious babe!

This gorgeous gallery was of the sweetest little family with their little guy, Baby G. I loved spending time with this family and loved capturing their first family photos ❤

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