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Grace Layne Photography - Cake Smash in Wonderland

Cake smashes are THE BEST way to celebrate your little one hitting their first-year milestone! For me, it is so fun getting to see how each baby reacts to being "allowed" to do whatever they want with their cake. Some babies dig right in and dont stop eating until we pry the half-eaten cake away! Then there are some babies that want absolutely nothing to do with eating the cake, so we play with the frosting and just have fun! There is no wrong way to do a cake smash!

Each and every cake smash starts out with classic portraits of the sweet babe! Little Miss A here had the sweetest little smile! She was definitely a fan of the beaded necklace! I love starting with these to get the little ones used to having photos taken and so the parents can have some non-messy portraits of their little one!

Every newborn, milestone, or cake smash I do, has the option to sneak in some family and sibling shots! I want to create a fun memory for families coming to celebrate their baby's birthday, which includes getting the family in on the fun!

Then comes the cake part! We get some fun shots before we bring the cake, then let them have at it! If you want to see some fun behind the scenes videos from some cake smashes, be sure to take a look at my Instagram page here! Each cake I get for my smash sessions comes from a wonderful local baker! Find her facebook page here! I have personally eaten multiple baked goods from her and they are PHENOMENAL! Which brings me to my next point, you get leftovers! This is something parents are always excited for! All left over cake goes home with you! 🥳

Ending with a bubble bath is almost guaranteed to be a "finale" for these sessions! Many times I end up wet from getting splashed and we have puddles to clean up, and I love it! This means they loved their bath and enjoyed their session! Just look at these smiles! 😍

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